How it all Started

I love traveling and every year my goal is to explore a new destination. Reading journals, travel books, talking to people always inspires me to search for unusual places. Last year, I visited an annual New York Travel Show and spoke to an African guy about climbing the Mount Kilimanjaro. Every season he takes tourists through various trails, some harder than others, to the summit. I immediately wanted to go!!!

My trip to Kilimanjaro hasn’t happened yet, but I did manage to travel to East Africa - particularly Dar es Salaam and Zanzibar in Tanzania. This time I traveled as an MBA student through an international field study trip with the focus on social entrepreneurship. It was organized by Pace University, particularly professor Bruce Bachenheimer, professor Richard Otto, and a Pace alumnus Rumit Mehta from Safari Ventures who made this trip happen. So Karibu in my Tanganyika!!!

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